Wednesday, March 2, 2011


1. Shape Borrowing
A random object can inspire the shape of another object, through a technique like force fitting. Take for instance, the shape of an elephant can be used for the shape of a pencil holder. Or maybe the shape of a mushroom can become the shape of a light bulb. Thus, the final product of the item would look quite innovative.

The product can and will have certain defects. S.C.A.M.P.E.R. can help to eliminate some of it. The S. stands for Substitute, which means of some parts of the design is not working well, it will be replaced by other parts. The C. stands for combine. This means putting together several good points of an object together and making a new and better product. For example, an nokia phone can be very easy to use but it can be limited in features. Just take the good points which in this case is the "easy-to-use" but add more advanced features to the basic phone. A. stands for adapt, which means if customers are not happy with your product, customise it to their needs and likings. M. stands for modify. A part of a design can be changed to further facilitate to use of the item. P. stands for put to other use. Put to other use means making it more versatile. R. stands for removing other parts. This means that remove useless and redundant materials and resources.


  1. good as I liked how you described how a random object can inspire the shape of another object.

  2. Good Job :)
    for explaining the whole acronym
